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Accidental Research Discovery: Off Topic.

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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: On Topic

Jim Courtney
2376 posts
Chris kindly shared the link to the Lachlan McLean collection and I've spent a bit of time looking at photos.

Chris posted this photo in his "chapter" of Clear Creek mines and mills when discussing the Hoosac Tunnel:

The high res digital image of the original glass plate negative yielded enough detail that a very good image of C&S 63 can be pulled out of the background:

I'm guessing the date to be about 1912, based on the presence of pneumatic sanders, but no Como stack and a wood pilot beam up front. And an interesting lettering variation: "Colorado & Southern" is centered vertically between the bottom of the tank and the top of the tender collar. Most engines of the period seem to have the lettering centered between the top and bottom of the tank.

Access to photos like these keep me from C&S model building though . . .
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: On Topic

Todd Hackett
386 posts
Jim Courtney wrote
..."Colorado & Southern" is centered vertically between the bottom of the tank and the top of the tender collar. Most engines of the period seem to have the lettering centered between the top and bottom of the tank.//
It looks like they were trying to avoid lettering over the rivets. The rivet line usually passes through the lettering, but it looks like someone got smart and applied the lettering above the rivets this time.
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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: On Topic

Chris Walker
2264 posts
In reply to this post by Jim Courtney
Jim Courtney wrote
I'm guessing the date to be about 1912, based on the presence of pneumatic sanders, but no Como stack and a wood pilot beam up front.
You're mighty close, Jim.  
See Hoosac Post edit for dates http://c-sng-discussion-forum.254.s1.nabble.com/Mills-of-Fall-River-tp2576p2673.html

And thanks for the reminder to post those Clippings in there.  
in New Zealand
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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: On Topic

Jim Courtney
2376 posts
Hmmm. used in the Miner's Investor, 1913. So, the photo may have been made mid-1912 to spring 1913. Thanks Chris, just as you have your Clear Creek jigsaw puzzle, I've been trying to establish time lines for motive power fixtures. Here is how C&S 63 looked a few years earlier, at Pitkin, before alpine was abandoned:

Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: Off Topic.

Jim Courtney
2376 posts
In reply to this post by Jeff Taylor
Thank you Chris and Jim for posting this photo and the link. What a treasure. This is indeed the earlies known photo of motor #2.

You're welcome. Frankly, I never dreamed Chris was referring to the same photo. I hoped he had yet another early photo of RGS goose number 2 . . .
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Accidental Research Discovery: On Topic

Chris Walker
2264 posts
In reply to this post by Jim Courtney
Jim Courtney wrote
Hmmm. used in the Miner's Investor, 1913. So, the photo may have been made mid-1912 to spring 1913. Thanks Chris, just as you have your Clear Creek jigsaw puzzle, I've been trying to establish time lines for motive power fixtures.
That's a good idea, avoids the "circa ten years" label for sure.  Don't forget Derrell Poole's Mogul Month outlined detail changes on the C&Sn3Blog

Actually the C&S had completed the Hoosac Siding in late December 1912 and the Mill first run third week of January '13.  There is mine drainage ice on the ground in the picture, the three people in both images taken are heavily dressed and buffeted by a brisk wind. Doug, you know Idaho well: when does the Snow finally cover the ground there?

The only question would arise, is the Coalcar being delivered(Mty) or is the 63 there to lift the first load of concentrates out? I doubt the C&S had any car shortage so that could well be taken before the startup, say early January '13.

McLean there to record the occasion for Mr Quigley(the very well-dressed Man on the right). see: http://c-sng-discussion-forum.254.s1.nabble.com/Mills-of-Fall-River-tp2576p3102.html  for both photos together.

Who can work out that gradient of the Siding from the pictures, looks a need for chocks as well as handbrake applied there.  Since the spur crossed Clear Creek and joined the Mainline there at Trail Cr. outwash, just where did the C&S place the Derail?  
in New Zealand