Has access to the Files changed?

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Has access to the Files changed?

Todd A Ferguson
I can’t seem to access that information any longer...

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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Jim Courtney
Seems like Google / Chrome are now limiting access, requires permission to open a given file.

Darel or Mike might need to tweak this or give us direction . . .
Jim Courtney
Poulsbo, WA
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Mike Trent
I'll check with Darel to see about direct access to the files. There is not an issue with the search function from form this board.
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Jeff Ramsey
Still no
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Chris Walker
 Files   blocked means g00gle sign-in required. pffft.

C&S Bibliography - John Schapekahm   Opened
C&S Operating Charts - Rick Steele      Opened
C&S 1918 Condensed Profiles - Ken Martin  blocked
C&S Steam Locomotive Roster - Rick Steele  blocked
C&S Locomotive Folios - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Caboose Folios - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Freight Car Folios - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S MOW Equipment Folios - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Standard Section Houses and Outbuildings - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Standard Stock Yards - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Standard Trackwork - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Standard Trestles - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Standard Water Tanks - Jim Courtney  blocked
C&S Type 1 Switch Stand - Joe Crea  Opened
C&S Type 2 Switch Stand - Joe Crea   Opened
Black Hawk Valuation Map - Rick Steele  blocked
Dickey Valuation Map - Rick Steele  blocked
Golden Valuation Map - Rick Steele  blocked
Leadville Valuation Maps - Rick Steele  blocked
Trout Creek Pass Valuation Maps - Rick Steele  blocked
Stub Turnout Construction - Lee Kleidon  blocked
Fisher Rail Joint Information - Ken Martin  blocked
Garos General Store - Jeff Young  blocked
Jefferson General Store - Jeff Young  blocked
Mason Bogies Part 1 - Rick Steele   Opened
Mason Bogies Part 2 - Rick Steele    Opened
in New Zealand
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Darel Leedy
Chris is correct. Stupid Google (who now owns Blogger) changed the access permissions to Google Drive. Almost all of the files reside on my own personal Google Drive. I believe you must now have a Google account to view them. You might then have to also request access and I will get an email to notify me that I need to give permission. Most of Rick Steeles files resided on his own personal Google Drive. When he deleted his Google Drive a while back, that was the end of those links.
There are some exciting changes coming to the blog soon. How the files are stored and accessed will have to be addressed as well.
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Rick Steele
I did???? if you say so Darel...

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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Darel Leedy
Sent you an email to refresh your memory Rick
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Re: Has access to the Files changed?

Darel Leedy
In reply to this post by Chris Walker
Thanks for the links status Chris. Your list is partly correct. The ones that come up as blocked are the ones on my Google Drive that I must now approve individual requests to view. The ones that say "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist" still try to link to Rick's old Google Drive.
Rick had sent me most of those replacement files back when this happened in 2019. I only got around to hosting a few of them but not all. Until these are put back up again, if there is something you need please contact me directly and I'll send it.

FWIW, here is the message I now get from Google when someone wants to view a file on My Drive:

--------@gmail.com is requesting access to a folder via an old link, which is no longer valid due to a security update. Share the folder with this person directly.